All LightLOC systems consist of 2 basic components:
- A fiber optic circuit that is routed through some form of a barrier, sensor, enclosure, or cable. The form can be adapted to virtually any application.
- A fiber optic processor that sends a light signal through the circuit and then processes or analyzes the light returning to the processor.

- LightLOC products protect assets or guard access to specific sensitive areas by means of a continuous beam of light flowing in such a way that any attempt to gain unauthorized access results in a disruption of light flow and a subsequent alarm condition.
- The system is configured to detect bends, breaks, or specific movements of the guarding structure while not triggering false alarm due to vibration or environmental conditions such as water flow or wind.

- Since LightLOC uses light in the protective circuit rather than electricity, the detection unit(s) can be placed almost anywhere and in any environment, including subterranean and submerged applications.

- Light can flow long distances with minimal loss, so detection unit(s) can be positioned miles away from the processor that is monitoring the security access point(s).
- LightLOC is capable of monitoring multiple access points all feeding back to a centralized processor

- LightLOC’s Express processors technology used with our products is completely analog in nature. It has no digital processing components or programmable logic circuits; therefore, it cannot be “hacked” by an outside cyber signal.
- Express processors contain a simple set of dry contacts that either close or open as required in the event of an alarm event.

- LightLOC is a unique blending of high performance/robust technology into a simple system that is easy to maintain and operate. If you have an application that requires maximum reliability with proven results, we can help you map out a solution to meet those specific security needs. We may have a standard product that will meet the requirements, or we can custom engineer a modification or an entirely new configuration as needed.
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